
Welcome to the ECISD Gradebook Support site!

Note: txGradebook and txConnect Parent Portal are products of the Education Service Center, Region 20.

The txGradebook application is an integrated classroom management system that allows teachers to maintain and post student data, including attendance and grades. This application also allows you to receive transfer students and produce IPRs. Various inquiry pages allow you to view student demographic data, contact information, attendance records, schedules, test scores, and more.

txGradebook's integration with the iTCCS and TxEIS Student systems makes it unnecessary to perform imports and exports of data in order to populate the records. Data is shared between the systems, thereby eliminating much of the work needed to maintain two systems. The application provides real-time data that is updated any time grades, attendance, or student/teacher schedules change. Data is written directly to the district database. Teachers may access txGradebook anywhere with an Internet connection (school or home).

1- Handy Links
  1. For Teachers & Staff:
    1. txGradebook
    2. txConnect
  2. For Parents:
    1. Grading and Behavior Documents
    2. Profile of an EC Graduate
    3. Create your TxConnect Account to Check Grades and Attendance
2- Print Tutorials
  1. Overview of txGradebook for New Teachers
3- Video Tutorials
  1. Setting up Standards Based Behavior Courses 6-12
  2. Creating a Note in Standards Based Gradebook
Special thanks to Marguerite Lowak (@mlowak ; marguerite.lowak@ecisd.net) for the videos!
4- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Questions are divided into several sections. Please scroll down to find the one appropriate to you. Have questions not shown below? Submit them via this online form.

Teacher Support
1. "A system error has occurred. Please contact a System Administrator if you need further assistance; otherwise, you may click the button below to continue. System Administrator Contact Details Instance Code: 63032472-d8f7-4fc4-9f3e-28e1c9574558"
Response: Switch to the Firefox browser and make sure it is up to date. Internet Explorer usually does not work, and it has been observed to lose grades when teachers try to save. An updated version of Firefox has worked the best.You can check what version of Firefox by following these illustrated instructions and see what the latest Firefox version available is here.

2. When you want to leave a note on Safe or Responsible for a student or parents to see, what do you click on?
Response: To leave a note on Safe or Responsible for a student or parent to see, you have two options:
Option #1: Go to Settings-->Administer Course-->Course Note. This will leave a note that is viewable for all students. It will look like this:

Option #2: Go to this screen to add a note:

3.  I am entering grades and have a new student who has been added to all of my course sections except for Language Arts. How can the student be added so that I can enter his previous grades from his other school?
Response: This will have to be handled by Lynette Harris (210-648-7861), but you are encouraged to submit via Help Request online form.
4. "When I submitted my grades, I also went to submit my comments. But the only available comment was 'below grade level skills.'"
Response: This is the only comment available since it is desired that teachers contact parents directly about grades and behavior. 
5. "While creating assignments, I encountered a system error."
Response: When creating assignments, be aware that each assignment name must be unique.

Administrator Support
1. I've noticed pictures aren't showing up txGradebook anymore. Why is that?
Response: During October-December, 2015, pictures were moved from their previous location on the server to be updated with new photos. This should be back online by December 11, 2015 as ECISD Technology Operations works in collaboration with the Education Service Center, Region 20.
2. The Semester Average appears to be pulling only from quarter 2, and it mirrors the quarter average. How was the average determined?
Response: All grades from the Semester are combined together. When that happens, either the Power Law or Average takes effect. If there are standards that are taught in the first 9 weeks, not the second, the grades for that standard are still part of the 2nd nine weeks' grade.  
As a result, the 2nd nine weeks grade and the semester grade are the same. The first semester grade and the second semester grade are the averaged to get the final grade for the year.

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