Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Critical Windows Updates and New Software

Starting December 5, 2012, the EC Technology Operations Department deploys critical Windows updates to computers across the District. In this blog entry, you can find the letter that went out to campus principals and technology coordinators, as well as tutorials for a new software program that improves on the Office suite installed on computers.

While GoogleApps for Education provides us with access to word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, data collection forms, and drawing tools, it is necessary for some to have an Office suite installed on their Windows or Macintosh computer. One excellent, no-cost solution is LibreOffice, and this solution will be deployed on all District computers. LibreOffice improves on OpenOffice, featuring greater compatibility with MS Office docx, pptx, xlsx file formats. You'll find some tutorials for LibreOffice included in this blog entry below.

From: Miguel Guhlin, Director, EC Technology Operations

Re: Critical Windows Computer Updates

Date: 12/05/2012

Thank you for taking the time to review the information in this time-sensitive memo. To enhance performance of campus computers using the Windows operating system, the EC Technology Operations (ECTO) will make critical updates available to campuses. Your assistance is needed to make this successful.

Please notify campus staff that have Windows computers that they will need to take the following steps:

1. Shut down computers (go to START button, then click SHUT DOWN) at the end of the day your campus is scheduled below. This will cause the computer to begin processing critical software update instructions.

2. The Shut Down process will turn off the computer when updates are complete. Please avoid shutting down the computer prematurely. The update may take an hour or longer.

3. The next morning, turn on the computers and allow them to continue processing updates as necessary. Completion times for updates will vary from computer to computer.

The update schedule for allowing updates is as follows:

Dec 5th - Legacy, Salado, Sinclair

Dec 6th - Heritage, Oak Crest, John Glenn, BCLC

Dec 7th - PV, Harmony, ECDC, Highland Forest

Dec 10th - Trans, Custodial, PSC, Athletics, Central office, P.D., Learning Academy

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EC Technology Operations Department at 210-649-2343 or speak to your campus technician.

Please note that these tutorials were not created by the ECISD, but rather, BVCC.

  • Lesson 1, Getting Started with LibreOffice Writer
  • Lesson 2, Formatting Text with LibreOffice Writer
  • Lesson 3, Formatting Page Styles with LibreOffice Writer
  • Lesson 4, Formatting Paragraph Styles with LibreOffice Writer
  • Lesson 5, Styles, Tables, and Frames with LibreOffice Writer
  • Lesson 6, Adding Graphics with LibreOffice Writer
  • Complete LibreOffice Writer Book (6.11 PDF File)

  • Creating 3D Text with LibreOffice Draw
  • Creating DVD Covers with LibreOffice Draw
  • Creating Greeting Cards with LibreOffice Draw (Click here to see the video presentation)
  • Creating Custom Business Cards with LibreOffice