Thursday, June 28, 2012

App Purchases for EC3

Good morning!

Thanks to everyone who sent me feedback!

After much discussion (and quite a bit of research), a decision has been made.

The district will be purchasing Keynote for all iPads. Keynote's ability to integrate video and images make it an indispensable tool for the iPad.

We will also be purchasing Office2 HD for all iPads. This app allows the user to create word, excel, and powerpoint documents with all of the editing features that you would find in Microsoft Office. Documents can be uploaded to ecCloud via WebDav OR saved in Google Docs. (YEAH!) Since our students will be given Google Apps accounts, we feel that this is a critical feature.

Please know that we have taken ALL of your feedback to heart! We are working to get the most "bang for our buck" (this small change will result in a savings of approximately $2,700.00) while at the same time not sacrificing efficiency and accessibility for our teachers and students. I will contact you as soon as these apps become available for you to download on your iPads so that you can start familiarizing yourself with them.

As always, you can be sure that we will do everything in our power to provide you with the tools that you will need for a successful implementation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Mary Ray, M.Ed
District Instructional Technology Specialist
East Central ISD
6634 New Sulphur Springs Road
San Antonio, Texas 78263
(210) 649-2343
(210) 649-1434 fax

Monday, June 25, 2012

Feedback Requested!

Good morning!

Now that you have all had the opportunity to spend time with expert consultants exploring some of the possible ways that you can use iPads (and apps) with your students, a question poses itself ...

We are working on purchasing the iWorks suite for your classroom set of iPads - Pages (like Word), Numbers (like Excel), and Keynote (like Powerpoint).

Here is the question:
At approximately $15.00 per iPad (original cost is $30 but we get a discount through VPP), is this purchase justifiable? In other words, are these apps essential to the successful implementation of iPads in your classroom? Do you see yourself using these apps on a regular basis with your students? Can the same tasks be completed in another app?

Please send me your response as quickly as possible (by Tuesday 6/26/2012 at the latest).
Your input would be greatly appreciated. There is no right or wrong answer ... we simply want to make sure that we provide you with the tools that you will need for a successful implementation.

Thanks so much for your help,

Mary Ray, M.Ed
District Instructional Technology Specialist
East Central ISD
6634 New Sulphur Springs Road
San Antonio, Texas 78263
(210) 649-2343
(210) 649-1434 fax

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Podcast - EC3 iPad Pilot @techchef4u @mray29

Earlier this month (June, 2012), I had the chance to chat with Mary Ray (ECISD Instructional Technology Specialist) and Lisa Johnson (iPad Learning Consultant)! They were sharing about the East Central ISD EC3 iPad Pilot.

mobiMOOC - Free eLearning Opportunity


I recently chatted with someone who asked me, "How can I get ahead in education and, especially, get into the education technology field?" There many possible responses, but a question that I often ask myself when pondering "getting ahead" is the following one:
If I had to move tomorrow to another school district, how would that district assess my ability to facilitate-and manage--teaching, learning and leading?
From my perspective, this question gets at the heart of the changing nature of education. Are we building "online learning capacity" in how we conduct professional development or not? Some of the reasons why we need to do this are listed below:

  1. Learning and teaching are steadily moving online. For example, The Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) makes it possible for high school students to earn credit in a variety of courses. Although various factors (primarily, funding) have limited TxVSN's services, the implications for teaching and learning online in Texas are HUGE.
    Do a quick self-assessment: If you had to, could you facilitate your K-12 class(es) online?
  2. TEA and ESCs have gone online. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) and regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) are increasingly offering online learning opportunities for students and staff through Project Share.
    Do a quick self-assessment: When was the last time you participated in an online class for professional learning and do you have the technical wherewithal to do so now?
  3. Professional, or personal, learning networks (PLNs) provide you with ready-access to a global community of your peers, and you can tap into that PLN at will to find ideas and information relevant to what YOU are interested in, what YOU need to do at work, and more.
    Do a quick self-assessment: Are you on Twitter and following at least 20 educators in your field that share great learning content?
These 3 reasons and self-assessments are important to consider. If you're wondering how you can get started achieving these, why not participate in the mobiMOOC free eLearning opportunity?

What is a MOOC? Really short: it is a course that can be followed by anyone (Massive), which is open to all (Open), and is located online (Online) and is a Course. 
This format has been used a couple of times by George Siemens and Stephen Downes. Dave Cormier has built a beautiful movie which describes what a MOOC is, feel free to watch it in the History of MOOC page. 
A MOOC comprises a couple of online - in the cloud - spaces that are all connected to the course. Why this diversity of social media tools? Because each of these tools has different educational purposes. If you want to know which tool is added to this course for which reason, go to the designated wiki-page here.
How will you make the shift from face to face (F2F) only learning to F2F and online learning?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

FYI - What's next ...

Good afternoon!
Thanks again for all of your hard work during the EC3 Teacher Academy! It has been a privilege to work with such dedicated, exemplary teachers and I look forward to seeing what the 2012-2013 school year brings! We have covered and discussed a number of things over the course of the Teacher Academy, so I wanted to send you an email with some of the dates and resources that were mentioned:

  • Please don't forget to complete the Workshop Feedback Survey for each day of the Teacher Academy. You can find the survey by clicking on this link:
  • You will find the resources that we discussed on the ECISD Technology wiki at
    • Click on EC3 
    • Your teacher page and blog are in the Teaching and Learning section
    • Resources from the Teacher Academy can be found in the Professional Learning Opportunities for Participants section
  • Don't forget to use our Edmodo group to ask questions, request feedback, and solicit assistance.
  • As we discussed, please compile a list of FREE apps that you would like to have pre-loaded onto the student iPads for the beginning of the school year. Email this list to me by July 1, 2012.
  • Good news! We have received the information on funding for the iTunes gift cards and Jill will be ordering them in the next few days. Please watch for an email from me to schedule a time to come by Technology to pick these up. At that time I will share the App Evaluation Request form and the App Recommendation form. 
  • We have selected two dates for our Pre-Launch staff development - July 31st and August 13th. It is only necessary for you to attend ONE day. Two options have been given due to the fact that a number of our EC3 teachers had schedule conflicts. Please email me and let me know which day you will be attending. Topics to be covered at this time include ipad and cart management, use of the Apple Configurator tool, utilizing the WebDav solution, and training students to use Google Apps for EDU, etc.
  • It was also decided that we would use Adobe Connect to facilitate monthly virtual meetings next year - with the exception of the beginning of school. The group consensus was to connect several times during the first few weeks of school in order to facilitate a successful implementation.
I hope that I remembered everything. As always, please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns.


Mary Ray, M.Ed
District Instructional Technology Specialist
East Central ISD
6634 New Sulphur Springs Road
San Antonio, Texas 78263
(210) 649-2343
(210) 649-1434 fax

Thursday, June 14, 2012

EC3 Teacher Academy Takes Off!

Note: The following is an excerpt from a blog entry appearing online at the EC TechBuzz blog maintained by Mary Ray (

EC3 Teacher Academy Takes Off!Day one of the ECTeacher Academy took place on Wednesday, June 13th in the Technology Classroom at the ECISD Technology Department building. 

Our featured presenter Lisa Johnson, an Instructional Technology Specialist with Northeast ISD, author of the TechChef4u blog, cohost of the Blogtalk Radio series Appy Hours 4 U, and co-author of the iBook "Hot Apps 4 Hots" facilitated a dynamic session attended by twelve of our ECTeachers.
The morning's session ended with a showcase of productivity apps that had all participants buzzing.

Read the rest of this blog entry at EC TechBuzz!

Monday, June 11, 2012

DIY - Professional Learning for Summer

Looking for Do It Yourself (DIY) Professional Learning? 

A colleague from El Paso ISD, Tim Holt, shares some suggestions in this video. Below the video, you'll find some helpful links to get started!

Do It Yourself Professional Learning

  1. GCF Free Online Learning - Find a wonderful collection of professional elearning resources. (Suggested by ECISD's Marguerite Lowak -
  2. YouPD.orgYouPD is an educator, peer-led professional development community.
  3. K-12 Online Conference - Check out online K-12 Online Conference, a conference that archives videos and resources for multiple conferences that have been held online by educators for educators from all around the world.
  4. - Features phenomenal talks you can access and watch.
  5. Epsilen's Project Share - Check out the Project Share resources, such as Intel Teach to the Future and earn CPE credit online!
  7. Global Education Conference -  A few recommendations can be found here and the full list is available here.
  8. Twitter Feed for #edchat hashtag - Try out VisibleTweets approach or just view in search in reverse chronological order.

New Technology Projects Web Site!

When I visit a web site, I'm quick to look for how the web site creators are sharing content in open and transparent ways. To achieve that for the ECISD Technology Department web site, please be aware of the launch of the ECISD Technology Projects wiki. You'll find information about many resources designed just for you there, including the following:
  • Professional Learning Opportunities
  • Special Campus-specific initiatives and pilot programs (e.g. EC3 iPad Initiative)
  • More about Campus Technology Coordinators and Webmaster expectations and resources

For example, check out the Campus Technology Support & Resources page:

Not only does the page feature upcoming professional learning opportunities, but also critical dates and information regarding campus-focused programs the ECISD Technology Department is offering!

You can also now use this convenient jigsaw piece to access the major portions of the ECISD Technology Department services available to you.

Here's the jigsaw piece (notice you can click on the different areas to access them):

Also, you may want to bookmark these web addresses:

2012-2013 Campus Technology Contacts

Note: The following email was shared with campus principals and addresses several changes for the 2012-2013 school year.

From: Miguel Guhlin <>
Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:45 AM
Subject: 2012-2013 Campus Technology Contacts

Thank you for your time last week as Dr. Birney reviewed the modifications--the move to make these roles based on professional staff--to the Campus Technology Coordinator and Campus Webmaster roles. 

In this email, please find the following:
  1. Revised expectations for Campus Technology Coordinator and Campus Webmaster for your review; and 
  2. A form to designate what professional(s) will play these roles for the 2012-2013 school year.
  3. Critical dates for the 2012-2013 school year.
You can access revised expectations for the Campus Technology Coordinator (CTC) and Campus Webmaster roles online at the following addresses:
You can quickly submit--via online form, no email please--your selections for the 2012-2013 school year online at: . Kudos to Pecan Valley ES for moving to submit these already! :-)

At the meeting, a tentative schedule of critical dates and deadlines were shared. These dates are relevant to the District completing the STaR Chart, eRate-mandated Digital Citizenship requirements, and more early in the year. You can obtain a list of important dates online at the new Campus Technology Resources web site at:

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to make contact.

With appreciation,

Miguel Guhlin
Director of Technology Operations
East Central ISD
Phone: 210-649-2343
Ask not what computers can do with students, but rather,
what students can do with computers.

Saturday, June 2, 2012 Summer Usage

Mary Ray (Technology Department) was kind enough to share the following....
Below I've provided a few ways to use this summer.

Lesson Planning:

Prepare for the books you'll be teaching in the fall by using the search box on the home page (or the Advanced Search) to instantly find quality lesson plans, author interviews, and other ready-to-use curricular materials.

Family Outreach:
Send students home with bookmarks so that families can watch author/illustrator videos, listen to audio introductions to books, and use discussion guides to support informed conversations about the books they are reading this summer. For printable bookmarks, go to:

Summer Reading Programs:
Find all of the videos, book readings, book trailers, and more to add enjoyment to the reading of books in any of the CSLP summer reading programs—early literacy, children's, and teens'. Select the "Booklists & Awards" tab in the search box on any page, enter "CSLP" in the field, and hit "Search."

Sit back and watch videos of favorite authors/illustrators in their studios or listen to authors introducing and reading a bit from their books when you visit this webpage that highlights's
original Meet-the-Author Movies:

Professional Development:
Discover resources and prepare a multimedia implementation plan for yourself by taking our self-guided, inquiry-based Professional Development Training Module. You'll receive a customized plan and a certificate for possible CE credit upon completion. Go to:

Friday, June 1, 2012

New TA:TEKS Information

Rick Hernandez (Heritage MS) recently wrote:
Miguel, I love the blog! Have you heard anything about the new online training from Region 20 pertaining to the new Tech Apps TEKS? on Summer 2012 Professional Learning Opportunities
What a great question! While I haven't heard about the training specifically, there are some other components to consider. May I offer related information?

First, if you're not familiar with the new Technology Applications:TEKS, you'll want to watch these engaging videos from my El Paso ISD colleague, Tim Holt. He breaks down the new TA:TEKS through videos like the ones listed below:
EPISD TV Studio and Instructional Technology present a  multi-part series on the new Technology Applications TEKS. The new TA TEKS will go into effect with the 2012-13 school year. Get a jump on your knowledge of these new TEKS for grades K-8.
Each segment looks at a particular part of the new TEKS:
Segment 1:  The New Technology Application TEKS: An Introduction
Where did the TEKS come from, what are they based on, and how do they compare to the old TA TEKS? What are the NETS-S Standards that the TEKS are based on? 
Segment 2: The New Technology Application TEKS: The Six Strands
What are the six strands that make up the new Technology Application TEKS? In this segment, we look at each strand and how the TA TEKS are related to the NETS-S standards.

Segment 3: The New Technology Application TEKS: How to Read the TA TEKS
Most teachers know how to read TEKS, but this segment reminds us how the TEKS are structured. Introduction Statements, Knowledge and Skills Statements, the Strands, the Student Expectations, and Including Statements are all part of this segment.
Segment 4: The New Technology Application TEKS: Comparing Strands Across Grade Levels
Even though the strands are the same from grades K to 8, the student expectations change dramatically from grade level to grade level. This segment looks at the student expectations and how each grade level must be taught in order for students to become truly technology literate.
For more technology-related videos, including Smartboard and Project Share information, check out the EPISD TV Studio YouTube Channel at: 
A Project Share Group has been created that will hopefully be a clearinghouse for information related to the new TA TEKS. You will be able to find some wikis created that have information and links. 
Use the link below to join:

If you're not sure how to access Project Share, have forgotten your password or need a new account, be sure to visit our Project Share support page online at 

In case you missed the announcement, you will soon have access to new Technology Applications:TEKS courses in Project Share. The challenge, of course, is that to take advantage of those resources, East Central ISD would have to register students via automated account management.
A summer meeting is planned to discuss East Central ISD's approach to handling automated account management for students and staff. In the meantime, you might want to check out the following: