Monday, November 30, 2015

MyNotes: How Does TPACK Work?

These are MyNotes on the introduction to TPACK video that appears online. They are offered up as a way to help those participating in the ECISDLearners Weekly Voxer Chat.


  1. Content Knowledge (CK) is about what teachers know (knowledge and expertise in your content/curricular area). It includes the following:
    1. facts
    2. concepts
    3. theories
  2. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is about how they teachers teach (expert knowledge about the art and science of teaching). It includes the following:
    1. Assessment Strategies
    2. Instructional strategies - Approaches such as inquiry-based learning, Problem-based Learning, Think-Pair-Share, for example.
    3. Learning theories
  3. The interaction between Pedagogical and Content and Pedagogical Knowledge (PCK) is "Teaching at it's best."

    [Miguel's Note: However, it's not enough to rely on traditional "teaching at it's best" at a time when technology is so prevalent in society and life. As such, we have to consider adding a third component--Technology Knowledge). 

  1. Technological knowledge (TK) is about how technology is used in the classroom. It includes the following:
    1. Knowledge about tools, apps, mobile devices.
    2. How to integrate technology and
    3. Improve access to quality content
  2. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) describes how technology is used for enhancing deep and lasting knowledge. For example, the use sophisticated tools to collect evidence, make observations, and document findings. Then, they can use interactive software to manipulate data. This allows deepening of student engagement or inquiry.
  3. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge describes how teachers choose and manage technology for your students. It tries to help you answer the following questions:
    1. What technology will be best?
    2. What collaboration tools could be used to enhance student learning and collaboration in the classroom, as well as at a distance?
  4. The core of TPACK is the dynamic interaction of all 3 elements.
    1. Support student more deeply and effectively
    2. Examine 3D models of water quality, do research, then share information with others.
    3. Collaboration with others.
    4. Brainstorm ways to redesign learning experiences with staff.
  5. The enclosing circle of TPACK is "context." This is because every classroom context is unique. 
  6. Start with content and pedagogy, then layer in technology. Technology is a part of great teaching.

Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Leading with Technology

Tips to Organize Your Google Drive

“I save stuff to my Drive, but I can never find it later.” 

Here are some tips to help you with organization:

1. Create folders in your GoogleDrive by year or topic, whatever works best for you. You can create a folder with the title “2015-2016” and then create folders inside that to organize yourself (e.g. Meetings, LessonPlans). Use the                     to start.

2. Add color to your folders. Right-click (Ctrl-click on a Mac) on a folder, then choose CHANGE COLOR and pick a color.

3. Provide a distinctive title. Type your document’s title, but then don’t be afraid to add one word descriptors (a.k.a. tags) to the end to help you remember. If you include [date created] at the front of the document, the date you used will be automagically inserted.

Learn more about GoogleApps online at Google for Teachers and Spreadsheet Magic!

Using ARMS to Reset Your Active Directory Password and/or Google

You must first have set up your ARMS account with a challenge question prior to attempting to reset your password.The steps are as follows:
  1. Login to ARMS ( the first time to setup your account. The username and password for this is your Active Directory (AD) username and password This is the Username and Password you use to log into your computer. As a part of this process, you will be asked to set responses to several security questions.
  2. Go to the ARMS ( website and click on the Forgot My Password link.
  3. Enter your username, firstname.lastname. Answer one of the challenge questions that you created when you setup your account and enter the new password.
  4. Students will need to answer two of the challenge question before entering their new password.
  5. Check your email; an email will have been sent notifying you that your password was changed.

Additional notes: If you change their Google password via Google MyAccount interface, this will only affect Google. However, if you or someone else uses ARMS or Active Directory (AD) to reset the password then the Google password will be reset to the new password.  If you are using Windows’ Ctrl/Alt/Delete to reset your Windows password, and are authenticated to the network then this will also change your Google and AD account passwords.

ARMS Video Tutorial:

Changing Your Gmail/GoogleApps for Education Password

Sunday, November 29, 2015

CIN Tech Update: 11/30/2015

In this Curriculum & Instruction Technology Operations Update, you will find the following:
  1. Technology Operations Updates
    1. Equipment Deliveries
    2. Content Filtering Upgrade (11/30/2015)
    3. Chromebooks at ECISD Warehouse
  2. Online Professional Learning Opportunities
    1. An Introduction to Big6 for Problem-Based Learning (Part 1)
    2. Weekly Chat: Join the ECISDLearners VoxerChat Group

Weekly Chat: Join the ECISDLearners VoxerChat Group

Looking for a quick way to connect with other ECISD learners? Read below to learn how to get started and find out what the schedule of topics is!

Voxer can be described as a push to talk, walkie-talkie app--works on all mobile devices (e.g. iPhone, iPad, Android)--that enables you to send text, pictures, video and/or audio recordings, and participate in group chats. The beauty of it is, you can listen and participate whenever you want.

To join the Voxer Chat, tune in on the dates below and follow the Voxer Chat, ECISDLearners (click this link to get there).

To participate in the ongoing VoxerChat about a particular topic, jump in anytime that week to share your ideas and comments in response to the guest speaker. View this quick Voxer App overview.


1) Get the Voxer app for your mobile device using links below.Get the Voxer app--which is no-cost--for your mobile device, whether Windows, iOS or Android. 
2) Fill out this form to let me know you're ready to connect!Fill out a short form to participate in the VoxerChat. 
SCHEDULE OF TOPICS (in reverse chronological order)
Be sure to watch the video linked below and then share your thoughts through the week: 

11/30/2015 - Exploring the Relationship Between Content, Pedagogy, and Technology
About TPACK, or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: This is a model that helps teachers consider how their knowledge domains intersect in order to effectively teach and engage students with technology. Learn more about TPACK and how you can combine your knowledge of content, pedagogy, and technology for innovative teaching and learning.
View video and explore the relationships with this interactive image
Reflection Question: How do you imagine using TPACK framework to redesign learning experiences in your situation?

TPACK Review

Acknowledgements: Special Thanks to ites - TPACK Review
To help those with limited experience develop a working knowledge of the TPACK framework the image below has image, text, and video resources embedded within the TPACK logo. By mousing over an icon you can also locate background information about the overlapping areas or subdomains of TPACK. Resources supporting classroom environment, have been placed in the outer circle.

Part 1 - An Introduction to Big6 for Problem-Based Learning

The communities of Santa Teresa, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas have something in common--both communities are monitored by the U. S. Border Patrol, but not in the way that many illegal aliens have come to expect their attention. The U. S. Border Patrol has set up outreach centers to bring about goodwill and provide teenagers with the opportunity to explore career possibilities. For the legal citizens of these communities, this is a wonderful initiative. For the undocumented aliens, parents of teenagers coming face to face with the U. S. Border Patrol in school, it's a nightmare. 
Illegal immigrants fear that the U. S. Border Patrol may try to identify children of illegals, and then use this information to locate and prosecute the parents. Despite the U. S. Border Patrol's protests that this will not happen, the relationship between parents and school officials is tenuous. How will parents who are illegal immigrants attend school meetings if they fear encountering deportation officials? While the stakeholders of these border communities probably have not heard of ill-structured problems, they are certainly in the middle of one.

Ill-structured problems like this one are messy by nature. They are like the real-life situations students can expect to encounter when they leave school, and they can be great learning opportunities as a form of problem-based learning. Problem-based learning (PBL) uses real-life problems modeled after a contemporary or historical case to engage students as they pursue specified learning outcomes that are in line with academic standards or course objectives (Stepien & Pyke, 1997). Students work through the problem as a stakeholder. The teacher acts as a guide or advisor as students explore the issues involved, formulate questions, conduct research, and consider possible solutions to the problems.

Since most problems spring from a lack of information, problem-based learning makes an ideal tool to use and reinforce the Big6 Skills. The Big6 approach to information-problem solving provides a framework for students to find, organize, and present the information that they need to solve-real life problems. This accomplishes two goals÷to help them complete their assignment efficiently and successfully, and to remind them that they must be information processors in their life beyond school. Combined with graphic organizers, the Big6 becomes a powerful tool to help students work through the U. S. Border Patrol scenario.

Using graphic organizers with the Big6 process can help students build their own knowledge and reflect on how new information links to their mental framework, or schema, of the world. This is important because, according to Buzan (1996), the human brain works primarily with key concepts in an interlinked and integrated manner. 

In Part 2, we'll explore specific Actions you can take.

TechOps Update #3 - Chromebooks at ECISD Warehouse

You may be surprised to read that Chromebooks accounted for approximately 61% of all equipment purchased as part of the Campus Improvement Plan: Learning with Technology initiative. That's approximately 1034 Dell Chromebooks (11inch model) that are awaiting delivery and will be distributed to campus by ECISD's Warehouse staff!

Chromebooks awaiting delivery at Warehouse

TechOps Update #2 - Content Filtering Upgrade (11/30/2015)

Image Source:
During the Thanksgiving Break, E.C. Technology Operations staff were hard at work transitioning from the expiring, less flexibile content filtering system, Trustwave M86, to iBoss content filter solution. This will provide more fine-grained control over content filtering for mobile devices.

A little information about iBoss Content Filtering Solution:
When it comes to Web Content Management, many things haven’t changed since the Internet assumed a vital role in virtually every industry worldwide. 
iBoss is a web content filtering solution that is able to analyze network traffic at the packet level, with the ability to detect threats more quickly and block suspicious traffic mid-stream, while ensuring optimal network performance.
Over the next few weeks, if you should notice that web sites you could access are blocked, please don't hesitate to email Miguel Guhlin ( or call 210-649-2343 to let us know!

TechOps Update #1 - Equipment Deliveries

Year: 2015-2016
Did you know that the EC Technology Operations Department has processed $920K of equipment purchases, or approximately 230 purchase orders on behalf of campuses? And this is only the network infrastructure, Campus Technology Allotment and CIP Learning with Technology components.

This is a change from the 2014-2015 school year purchases:
Year: 2014-2015

With eRate funding, we will see an infusion of $1.4 Million dollars to upgrade aging network equipment in closets, as well as achieve 100% wireless access in every campus' classroom, library, meeting area and gymnasium. Stay tuned for a schedule of when EC Technology Operations staff will be on-hand to upgrade your campus' network equipment.

txGradebook Overview

Special thanks to Erin Schofield (ESC-20) for sharing the resource below, which has been adapted for the East Central ISD. For full details on txGradebook processes, please see the Help on the txGradebook web site.

The step-by-step process below assists teachers in setting up their txGradebook at the beginning of each school year. You can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) online and/or submit your question/comment online.

Step 1: Registration and Login
Every school year teachers will need to register as a new user. You must have your 9-digit Staff ID, sometimes referred to as your employee ID (assigned by the District).

  • User ID is not case-sensitive, must be 6-8 alphanumeric characters and unique within district.
    Warning: Once established, a user ID cannot be changed or deleted for the school year!
  • Password is case-sensitive, must be 6-9 alphanumeric characters. Use at least three of the following:
    • uppercase
    • lowercase
    • numeric and/or punctuation (e.g. aBc1234).
  • PIN must be four numeric characters.
  • Hint Question and Answers is case and space-sensitive. You must select three hint questions.
  • Email address is your district assigned email address.
Step 2: Course Groupings - if desired
The Course Grouping page allows you to group courses by semester. This allows you to enter grades administer categories and assignments, and copy categories and assignments for multiple sections at the same time. You must group your courses at the beginning of the semester before any categories are added.
To access the page: Settings > Course Grouping

Step 3: Administer (Assign) Categories
Select the semester and course section for which you want to administer categories. The categories are defined by the District. Once you add categories to one course, you are able to copy categories from one cycle to another as well as copy those categories to another course section.
To access the page: Settings > Administer Categories

Step 4: How to Post/View Attendance
The Attendance page allows you to record and post daily attendance for each period using the Absent, Tardy, and Present fields. You can post the data only once for each period/course. All students are set to Present by default.
To access the page: Attendance > Post/View Attendance

Step 5: Administer (Create) Assignments
Categories must be established for the course before you can enter assignments. You will be able to create and delete assignments as well as copy assignments from one course section to another.
Note: You cannot make changes to assignments once the cycle is closed.
To access the page: Settings > Administer Assignments

Step 6: Assignment Grades
After administering (creating) assignments, you will be able to enter assignment grades for students. Codes that can be typed in place of a numerical grade include:
  • M for Missing
  • I for Incomplete
  • X for Excluded
You can also add comments or indicators (e.g. excluded, late, or redo) to an assignment grade by clicking on the NOTE icon. To accept a new transfer student's average, click on the red T and enter the transfer average, weight, and enrollment date.
To access the page: Grades > Assignment Grades