- Content Knowledge (CK) is about what teachers know (knowledge and expertise in your content/curricular area). It includes the following:
- facts
- concepts
- theories
- Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is about how they teachers teach (expert knowledge about the art and science of teaching). It includes the following:
- Assessment Strategies
- Instructional strategies - Approaches such as inquiry-based learning, Problem-based Learning, Think-Pair-Share, for example.
- Learning theories
- The interaction between Pedagogical and Content and Pedagogical Knowledge (PCK) is "Teaching at it's best."
[Miguel's Note: However, it's not enough to rely on traditional "teaching at it's best" at a time when technology is so prevalent in society and life. As such, we have to consider adding a third component--Technology Knowledge).
- Technological knowledge (TK) is about how technology is used in the classroom. It includes the following:
- Knowledge about tools, apps, mobile devices.
- How to integrate technology and
- Improve access to quality content
- Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) describes how technology is used for enhancing deep and lasting knowledge. For example, the use sophisticated tools to collect evidence, make observations, and document findings. Then, they can use interactive software to manipulate data. This allows deepening of student engagement or inquiry.
- Technological Pedagogical Knowledge describes how teachers choose and manage technology for your students. It tries to help you answer the following questions:
- What technology will be best?
- What collaboration tools could be used to enhance student learning and collaboration in the classroom, as well as at a distance?
- The core of TPACK is the dynamic interaction of all 3 elements.
- Support student more deeply and effectively
- Examine 3D models of water quality, do research, then share information with others.
- Collaboration with others.
- Brainstorm ways to redesign learning experiences with staff.
- The enclosing circle of TPACK is "context." This is because every classroom context is unique.
- Start with content and pedagogy, then layer in technology. Technology is a part of great teaching.